Chris & Laurie Goree
Who are we?
Chris and Laurie Goree are the founders of Apollos Training International with a mission of developing biblically-sound, contextually responsive training solutions for the advancement and health of the global church. They have two adult married children and two grandchildren. Chris & Laurie met in college and both graduated from The University of Oklahoma. Chris received his law degree from Oklahoma City University and has a Certificate of Graduate Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary. Laurie has a Master of Arts in Educational Ministries degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. They have been attending Wildwood since 2012.
What are we doing?
Chris and Laurie prepare curriculum and provide training resources to pastors and senior church leaders in countries around the world where there is little access to theological education. They are members of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education working to develop partnerships with both formal and non-formal ministries to advance the global mission of training pastors and senior church leaders.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see healthy global churches and ministries led by well-equipped pastors and teachers.
Our Mission
We develop biblically-sound, contextually responsive training solutions for the advancement and health of the global church.
Our Values
Local leadership, Cross-cultural partnerships, Transformational learning principles, Biblical and theological foundations, Wholistic responsiveness to needs
DNOW is our SPRING weekend, in-town retreat. Each year we create a space for students
to unplug from the busyness of the semester and reset their focus on Christ. We bring in a
band and speaker and have an army of volunteers to help make worship, small groups, learning,
growing, and fun happen Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning.
WHO: 6th – 12th grade
WHAT: Theme: Deeply Loved (Romans 8)
WHEN: February 21-23, 2025
HOW: Register your student NOW
COST: $80
Homebuilders Group
Who: All ages welcome
What: Make your Calling and Election Sure
When: 9:45 am
Where: Room 2 downstairs
Leaders: Stan & Cheryl Schuermann
Foundations Group
Who: Open to both married and single parents of young children
What: Studying the Fundamentals of Jesus
When: 11:00 am
Where: Room 4 downstairs
Leaders: Tim & Lindsey Brassfield
Ladies, we’re delighted to invite you to WOW Weekend 2025 on February 28 & March 1 for a time of worship, teaching, and fellowship.
This year’s theme is Love God. Love People. Share Jesus. with our speaker Jessica Vaughn. You won’t want to miss it!
Register by Feb 16 to get your preferred t-shirt. If you’d like to donate a door prize for WOW Weekend, please e-mail These will be collected through Sunday, February 23rd.
If you’re a girl aged 18-118, please make plans to join us at this year’s WOW Weekend, you’ll be so glad you did!
SALT Group (Sharing And Learning Together)
Who: Open to adults of all ages (singles and couples)
Theme: Knowing God
When: 9:45 am
Where: Room 3 downstairs
Leaders: John & Susan Storm
Who: Open to young adults ages 18-30 (singles and couples)
What: 1 Peter
When: 11:00 am
Where: Room 2 downstairs
Leader: Craig Frisby and Max & Janelle Bevan
For more information on our Young Adult ministry click HERE
Each January, Wildwood Men attend a Men’s Retreat. This conference gives men the opportunity to relax, have fun, and grow – both in their relationship with the Lord and as a man.
A group of men will be attending the Sky Ranch Men’s Retreat on January 24-26! For all the info or to register, please visit Use the Wildwood registration button at the bottom of the page to register, then enter discount code 2025WWCCMEN to save $50. If you have questions, email Pastor Bruce
Jesus & Women: In the 1st Century & Now – By Kristi McLelland
Meets: Thursdays, starting January 16, 2025
Led by Lori Abernethy
Where & When: 9:30-11:30 am, in Room 2
Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you.”
Those words once meant to comfort a hurting woman’s soul thousands of years ago, were also meant for you.
Join biblical culturalist Kristi McLelland on those dusty roads as she transports you back to Jesus’ world, following in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God. Over 7 sessions, examine the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today. The book cost is $25 and can be purchased through Amazon.
**PLEASE NOTE: Excellent childcare programming is available for kids from birth to 5th grade on a first come, first served basis with registration. We will offer care for school-age children; however, we will not be able to facilitate any form of virtual learning.**
God of Covenant, Genesis- by Jen Wilkin
Starts: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 10-week study, Led by Diane Hodgson
Where & When: 6:05-7:25 pm, in Room 4
Beginning with Genesis 12, walk alongside the fathers of our faith—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—to discern Jesus in the stories of His people. Book cost is $16 and can be purchased on Amazon.
Called to be a Keeper—by Lori Merrill
Starts: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 10-week study, Led by Elaine Burget
When: 9:30-11:30 am
This study encourages women of all ages to see the value of their role in light of God’s Word and teaches them to live out their priorities with contentment and satisfaction while carrying out their calling as found in Titus 2:3-5 and Proverbs 31:10-31. Books will be available to purchase by cash or check at our first session.
Revelation (Part 4) – Precept studies by Kay Arthur
Starts: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 14-week study, Led by Joyce Harwell and Laura Wesson
When: 9:30-11:30 am
In this fourth and final part of our series on Revelation, we will observe a profound connection between John’s apocalyptic visions and Old Testament prophecies, particularly regarding themes of divine judgment, restoration, and the fulfillment of God’s promises illustrating continuity between the Old and New Testament. The book cost is $33 and will be available during the first session.
Be Transformed: Discovering Biblical Solutions to Life’s Problems
Starts: Thursday, January 16, 2025, 11-week study, Led by Barbara Boyd
When: 9:30-11:30 am
We all face problems and struggles in our Christian life. This workbook is designed to help you address the root causes of the problems you face every day. In addition to the clear and simple teaching, you will receive practical assignments to help you apply Biblical principles to your life as you interact with God. Some topics include: Understanding the Good News, Seeing Ourselves as God sees Us, Getting to Know our Heavenly Father, Living by the Spirit, Emotions and the Performance Treadmill and Guilt. The cost of the Book is $24 and will be available during the first session.
Lead Me is a family class about the gospel & what it means to trust in Jesus. This event is designed for children who are asking questions about their faith journey and those who have already trusted Christ. This class walks through 10 Gospel truths in a way that elementary-age kids can understand. Many children know the Bible is made up of lots of different stories, but we want kids to see that all the stories fit together to tell the bigger story of how God saves sinners through His Son, Jesus Christ. The class uses a variety of illustrations to create a visual timeline from Genesis to Revelation. One of our goals through this class is to equip families to guide conversations at home about what it means to trust & follow Jesus. We also let the kids pick out a new, age-appropriate Bible at this time.
For more information about the Lead Me Class, please email the Children’s Pastor, Brooke Harrison.
For more information about our Lead Me Class, or for information on how to lead your child to Christ, click here.
Starting Point
Wildwood Church encourages membership through Starting Point. This class is also the first step to take if you want to get connected, lead a small group, or simply know more about Wildwood. You’ll hear our core doctrines & mission, discover ministry & serving opportunities, and receive a copy of our membership covenant to review. The next session begins January 12, 2025, at 9:45 am in Room 4 downstairs, and will meet for 4 consecutive Sundays (January 12, 19, 26, and Feb. 2). No registration is required. Just show up! We’d love to meet you!
GIFT Group (Growing In Faith Together)
Who: Open to adults of all ages (singles and couples)
What: Studying Exodus
When: 11:00 am
Where: Room 3 downstairs
Leaders: Kevin Bradford & Phil Kemp
We need a LARGE team to help prepare for and clean up the Christmas Shoppe! It’s a huge undertaking & we can use your hands.
Below are lists of days we will be sorting donations, bagging gifts, setting up, and cleaning up after the Christmas Shoppe. Daytime and weekend volunteer spots are available, see the sign-up for details. If you’d like to volunteer to be on the team, click HERE!
Sorting & Organizing Dates
Set Up Dates
Clean Up
We need a team to help give the gifts on December 12, 13, & 14. We’ll need lots of volunteers to make it possible.
Sign up to join the team, click HERE! (Children can come to serve alongside their parent/s but they will need to stay with you as we don’t have childcare. When signing up a child you can list them in the comment field under your slot, they don’t need their own slot.)
December 12 (Thursday)
December 13 (Friday)
December 14 (Saturday)
Need Ideas?
Check out The Mission Christmas Amazon Wishlist. You can mail the gifts directly to Wildwood if you’d like.
Your financial gifts can make a difference this Christmas! It is such a blessing to have the funds to purchase needed gifts. If you don’t enjoy shopping or if you’re unable to get out to shop then a financial gift is a great option for your family. We have shoppers ready to shop the sales this Christmas season so the money can go as far as possible. Any amount is appreciated!
Give Here to give online.
While Christmas is not about the gifts under the tree for us as believers, it is about giving to others and this is one way we can share Christ’s love this Christmas. We desire to provide 3 gifts for each child The Mission serves (one stocking stuffer in the $1-$4 range, one gift in the $5-$14 range, and one gift in the $15+ range). Along with the 3 gifts the children will receive a Bible!
Last Christmas, donations from Wildwood and other churches helped 600 kids receive gifts & Bibles on Christmas! To accomplish this goal, we need your help! (The most difficult gifts to stock are for teenagers, both girls and boys.)
Topical Studies Group
Who: Open to adults of all ages (singles and couples)
What: Knowing God book study
When: 9:45 am
Where: Room 1 downstairs
Leaders: Jeff Harwell and Dave Sabatini
Family Fellowship Group
Who: Open to adults of all ages (singles and couples)
What: People Interacting with Jesus book study
When: 11:00 am
Where: Room 1 downstairs
Leaders: John & Lori Abernethy
Kevin serves the community of Wildwood by providing leadership to our global outreach.
To contact Kevin, click here
Family: Becca (wife) and they have 3 children (Hannah, Sarah, and Christopher)
Education: Undergraduate degree from OU, two Master’s degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Trinity International University.
On staff since: 2013 (previously a Wildwood missionary in Brazil for 20+ years)
One Thing I love about Wildwood: There are not many “sacred” traditions—so many people are committed to glorifying God and making changes as He leads them.
Listening to: Brad Paisley, Avalon, Michael W. Smith, Hillsong United, Tchaikovsky, and random vocalists with great pipes.
You might not know ______ about Kevin: He moved across the street so he could walk to the church!
Hobbies: Hanging out with our kids and other internationals, traveling, Texas Rangers baseball, board games
High School Retreat – High School students are invited to grow in their relationship with Christ and connect with the community at Wildwood. We can’t wait to see you there!
Who: High School Students
What: Theme: Proverbs
When: November 15-17th, 2024
Where: Jacob’s Ladder – 880876, 5418, S 3390 Rd, Chandler, OK 74834
Cost: $99
Wildwood is for our community, one neighbor at a time, and we’re here to support you as you reach out to yours! Our Hi Neighbor! Block Party Trailer is a one of a kind trailer outfitted with popcorn and sno cone machine, yard games, music, and much more. Hi, Neighbor! hosts are even provided with planning tips, checklists, promotion materials, and a gift card for food and supplies. You’ll have everything you need to throw the best block party your guests have ever attended, and it’s completely free! We hope you’ll sign up to host a block party on your street, in your home, or at your neighborhood park today!
For more information, email or click here to make a block party reservation.
Myles assists and supports the High School and Middle School ministries at Wildwood.
Family: Mom, Dad and older brother
Education: BA in Economics (University of Oklahoma) and pursuing MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary
On staff since: September 2022
One thing you love about Wildwood: How deep the relationships are at Wildwood! I have found community like I never have before and have seen Acts 2:44-45 truly lived out!!
Favorite Book: Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson
Hobbies: Studying theology, golf, working out, & reading!
Our busy schedules can keep us from spending quality time with our children and grandchildren, but Wildwood’s campouts can help!
You’ll spend time building your relationship as you hike, laugh, climb rocks, fish, make s’mores, talk in the tent, and more at the Chickasaw National Recreation Area!
We’d love to have you join us!
Wildwood’s Father/Daughter Campout is Oct. 18-20. Come for the whole weekend or just those days that fit your schedule. All meals are provided.
Click HERE to register.
Our busy schedules can keep us from spending quality time with our children and grandchildren, but Wildwood’s campouts can help!
You’ll spend time building your relationship as you hike, laugh, climb rocks, fish, make s’mores, talk in the tent, and more at the Chickasaw National Recreation Area!
We’d love to have you join us!
Wildwood’s Father/Son Campout is November 1-3. Come for the whole weekend or just those days that fit your schedule. All meals are provided. Click HERE to register.
GREATNIGHTS is our largest middle school event of the year, it is the perfect event for your 6th – 8th grader to invite friends and build lasting memories with peers. Registration for NIGHT 1 will close on Sept. 15th and REOPEN for additional signups for NIGHT 2 on Sept. 22.
WHO: Middle School-only event
WHEN: Friday, September 20th from 7-10 pm
WHERE: Urban Air in Moore
ACTIVITIES: Pizza, VR, Ropes Course, Trampolines, etc.
WHO: Middle School-only event
WHEN: Friday, October 25th from 8-11 pm
WHERE: Wildwood Community Church
ACTIVITIES: Silent Disco, Karaoke, inflatables, and lots more fun-filled activities.
The Mission (previously known as Mission Norman) is a non-profit corporation organized and operated to minister to a hurting world, particularly to persons who are homeless, by providing transitional housing, clothing, food, counseling, and other services as a ministry founded upon and carried out for the love of God and His son, Jesus Christ. Each year Wildwood partners with other churches and Mission Norman to bring Christmas to those in our community who need some extra support. For more information on the Mission Norman Christmas Shoppe, click here –
For more information about Mission Norman and how you can get involved, please visit or email
The vision of Angels is to be the leading source of support and hope for children and families in the foster care system. There are many ways to get involved and serve with Angels Foster Family Network, including helping with events, donation coordination, preparation of freezer meals for foster families, and more. If you want more information about how to get involved in the ministry of foster care, visit or send an email to You can donate to their wishlist HERE.
If you would like more information about how you can get involved, please email to purchase from the ongoing needs list, click HERE.
Food & Shelter is a local organization with a simple mission: To feed those who are hungry and wrap our arms around the lost and alone, helping them find their way back home. The services provided are the most basic needs of a human being: food & shelter. A team from Wildwood serves lunch monthly at Food & Shelter and we would love to have you serve with us.
For more information about this ministry and how you can get involved, please visit or email Donate to their wishlist HERE.
Childcare is currently full. Email to be put on our waitlist.
Excellent childcare programming is available for kids birth-5th grade on a first come, first served basis with registration. We will offer care for school-age children; however, we will not be able to facilitate any form of virtual learning.
On Thursday mornings, children’s programming will include a Bible story, games, and appropriate crafts. Take the opportunity to study the Word knowing that your children will also be hiding God’s Word in their hearts!
CAMP is one of our favorite events of the year and we see the LORD do incredible things in students’ lives every year. Each Summer we create time for students to get away and reset their focus on Christ. We bring in a band, a speaker, REC competitions, & Late Nites like Tacky Prom and other fun activities! We do have scholarships for those who are experiencing financial hardship. Please email Abe at to receive more information. We keep all scholarship requests confidential.
WHO: Students who have finished 6th – 12th grade
WHAT: Camp theme TBD
WHEN: June 28-July 3, 2025
WHERE: Wheat State Retreat Center (Augusta, Kansas)
HOW: Registration opens Spring 2025
Mission Trips: We offer both domestic and international mission trips for our Middle
school and High School Students each summer. We have traveled to Mexico, Nicaragua,
Denver CO, and Kansas City.
Wildwood Students Mission Trip
Who: High School Students
Where: TBD
When: Summer 2025
What: We will be serving alongside the local churches and leaders to help meet the needs of the people in the communities. Trips include construction projects, evangelism, and other ministry opportunities, such as Vacation Bible School and sports camps.
How Much: Depends on trip location
Link for more information about Mission trip
Link to apply for Mission trip
What is the best way to stay up to date with College Life?
Follow us on Instagram @wildwoodcollege for the most updated information! We also have a GroupMe with more opportunities for spontaneous events and announcements, such as tennis nights and lunch after church plans! Check out our LinkTree for all the current links!
You are always invited!
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF)
Both a men’s group and a women’s group, studying the book of Revelation, are hosted at Wildwood on Thursday evenings, beginning Sept. 12 2024 from 6:45-8:15 pm. Find group details and register at
Wildwood has partnered with Awana to help parents develop spiritually strong children who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Our Awana program offers a proven approach for evangelizing and discipling kids in the church and community. Our goal is to reach kids and families with the Gospel, disciple children to follow Christ, & equip parents to train and equip their children. Awana meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm throughout the school year (September-mid April).
Registration Fees are $40 per child (this includes one book and covers the cost of activities, awards, and special events). Registration is OPEN!
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close. It is a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare, you will learn valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life.
For more information about GriefShare contact the church office at 405-329-3939 or fill out this form.
Fall Bible Study Registrations will open August 11th!
Lead a Group
Small groups are an integral part of what we do as a church. They are groups of 6-16 people who gather regularly for spiritual growth and community, consisting of fellowship, prayer, and the conversational study of God’s Word. Wildwood offers personalized training and resources to new small group leaders. Click HERE for information videos on leading a Small Group at Wildwood
If you are interested in starting a group, or if you would like to schedule training, please contact Wildwood’s adult ministry team at or click HERE to fill out our Small Group Leader form.
Join a Group
Small groups are an integral part of what we do as a church. They are groups of 6-16 people who gather regularly for spiritual growth and community, consisting of fellowship, prayer, and the conversational study of God’s Word. New groups typically form in Aug./Sept. and Jan./Feb. Please complete the following Small Group Signup Form if you are interested in joining a small group, and an adult ministry staff member will contact you.
Rebekah serves as a ministry connection & facility resource coordinator, and also as an assistant to Pastor Bruce Hess
To contact Rebekah, click here
Family: Nick (husband) and 3 kids
Education: Rose State & OU
On Staff Since: 2000
One thing you love about Wildwood: The Biblical teaching & the people!
Listening To: Air 1
Hobbies: Hanging out with family
Lauren helps plan events and promote growth within Widwood Students!
Education: Sophomore at OU
On staff since: September 2022
One thing you love about Wildwood: I love the community. Throughout my entire life I have always felt so loved and cared for here.
Something you might not know about me: I’m dying to buy myself a Golden Retriever.
Hobbies: I love wedding videography and cooking/baking!
Bruce teaches on Sundays and in other venues, leads Latvian missions, assists with adult ministry and global outreach, and provides leadership on theological issues facing the church today. He has also served for 27 years on the national speaker team for the Weekend to Remember Marriage Getaways by Family Life.
To contact Bruce, click here
Family: Janet (wife) and four grown kids – Rebekah (Nick), Emily, Kyle (Brittany), and Jennifer (Zac) – plus seven grandsons, Aiden, Landen, Lincoln, Noah, Hunter, Luke, Max, and three granddaughters, Kinsey, Summer and Harper.
Education: BA in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Nebraska, Master of Theology in New Testament and Greek from Dallas Theological Seminary.
On staff since: 1979
Personal webpage: Many of Bruce’s messages can be streamed, downloaded, or read via transcription.
One thing you love about Wildwood: Great blend of folks who are committed to know, honor, and follow Jesus! I highly value the tremendous privilege of teaching God’s Word at Wildwood for four decades.
Listening to: Mostly mid-60s oldies, along with Chris Tomlin & Matt Redman
You might not know ______ about Bruce: Bruce’s messages have been broadcast for 25 years (in the Latvian language) twice weekly on Latvian Christian Radio in the nation of Latvia. Also, there are internet listeners in the UK, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Canada, Australia, and the USA. God is simply amazing!
Hobbies: College sports, especially football and basketball. Root most intensely for my alma mater and the Sooners. Follow the Thunder, Kansas City Chiefs, and Dallas Cowboys.
We want to launch students into the Great Commission where they are located currently, but also into places with less access to the gospel. We are FOR the nations and follow Jesus into missions. We have an opportunity to actively “go global” with students during Spring Break and Summer. We also attend a missions conference to gain vision & connections with opportunities around the world during winter break. Email Chanae, College Life Women & Outreach Director, at for all the information on upcoming opportunities.
One of the ways we follow Jesus is into His Word. We believe that environments in which college students can go deep into the Word of God are not only important but necessary for spiritual transformation. God uses his Word by the power of His Spirit to change his disciples (2 Tim 3:16, Rom 12:2, Eph 4:22-24). Weekly Bible Studies meet in students’ homes, led by a young adult, studying a book of the Bible alongside 5-12 students. We do not merely discuss the Scriptures, but we learn how to read our Bibles, understand its meaning, and actively apply it to our lives.
How do I join the leadership team?
Each Spring, we open up our application for a year-long leadership commitment to a specific team within College Life. We also have a Ministry Team that is open to join throughout the year that meet specific needs in our ministry. These opportunities are open to students who are actively following Jesus and have a passion for building God’s kingdom. We would love to talk to you more about applying for our Events, Bible Study Hosts, Outreach, Service, Sunday Morning, and Ministry teams. Email our College Pastor, Kevin Choate at for information on serving College Life in these roles!
Who we are:
We are missionaries serving in Orlando, Florida with Cru. Matt was born and raised in California and attended Baylor University. Elizabeth is from OKC and attended OU, during which time she was involved at Wildwood in the College Life ministry. We have 1 toddler, Caleb, and 1 baby boy due in September. We enjoy hosting people, discipleship and mentoring, and watching college football.
What we do:
After serving overseas for 8 years in Italy, we returned Stateside to serve with Cru in capacity roles. Matt serves with the Risk Management team, which equips thousands of missionaries to be sent Stateside and abroad in a way that is sustainable and responsible. Elizabeth serves in an HR role, equipping ministry teams to be healthier and more effective together so that more people can be reached with the Gospel. While we served overseas, we experienced the importance of people serving in these capacity roles, to keep missionaries safe and healthy on the field. We are thankful now for the chance to serve in these roles and pray that our efforts will increase Cru’s fruitfulness as we pursue the Great Commission.
Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary is equipping spiritual leaders for planting and strengthening churches in the Arab world.
Satya & Prasha are reaching residents of a large Asian city with the Gospel and building the Church.
For over 60 years, the Word of Life seminary near São Paulo has been preparing future Christian leaders who come from around Brazil and other countries, to work on undergraduate and graduate degrees focusing on Bible exposition and sound theology. Graduates from Word of Life serve as pastors, Christian educators, counselors, and missionaries throughout the world.
Justin & Sarah serve with StuMo (Student Mobilization) at the University of Alabama. The Fergusons seek to share the Gospel with non-Christians and disciple young men and women toward maturity in Christ.
Ali serves with StuMo (Student Mobilization) at the University of Alabama. She strives to present the Gospel to non-Christians and disciple girls toward maturity in Christ.
Who are we?
We are Richard and Yohanna de Oliveira, and we are Brazilians. We grew up in a family that didn’t know the Gospel. Richard was converted at the age of 17 and Yohanna at the age of 11.
We met while training at Word of Life Bible College in 1994 and were married in 1999. Our daughter Ruth was born in 2001 and Nathan in 2003. Ruth and Nathan are currently attending Liberty University.
Our ministry history
After we completed our theology degree, Richard served as pastor of his own church for seven years (1998-2004) in the city of Atibaia, in the state of São Paulo (southeastern Brazil).
In January 2005, we became missionaries with Word of Life and moved to Belém do Pará, in northern Brazil. Our ministry focus was teaching, and in 2007 Richard also became president of the Bible College, whose aim is to provide missionary training for the students.
After serving in this region for 15 years (2005-2019), Richard was invited to serve as the Executive Director of the Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary. We moved with the whole family in 2020 and served there until June 2023.
What are we doing?
Richard was invited to return to Word of Life in Brazil, where we had served for 15 years, to begin the process of succession in the overall leadership of the ministry. Currently, in addition to the Bible College, Word of Life North has a youth ministry, a family ministry, a school (from pre-K to high school), and the operational part of the ministry. We plan to start this ministry in August 2024.
Middle School & High School meet Sundays at 9:45 am & 11 am
This is a time for students to connect with one another, have some fun, and hear a relevant, Bible-based message. Join us for a combined service for Middle & High School students at 9:45 am and separate services for Middle School & High School at 11 am. Where we cover topics pertaining to each ministry. Choose the time that works best for your family!
Wednesdays 6-7:30 pm for Middle School (6th-8th grade) & 7:30-9 pm for High School (9th-12th grade)
This is a time for students to connect with one another in small groups, build community, and dive deeply into God’s Word.
We build a dynamic small group experience for Middle & High School students that is led by incredible leaders and grounded in God’s Word. Our students enjoy time together, worship together, then break into small groups (grade & gender specific) where they will be exploring a book of the Bible. If you have a student looking for community & a place to grow spiritually, Wildwood Students MIDWEEK is the place to be! Meets September-April.
Navigators is a ministry that shares the gospel of Jesus and helps people grow by creating spiritual generations of believers. Its purpose is the discipline of Christians with a particular emphasis on enabling them to share their faith with others. Through Life-to-Life® relationships, The Navigators discipleship fulfills the message of 2 Timothy 2:2: “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others (NIV).”
For more information about this ministry and how you can get involved, please visit or email
Anna’s Friends (widowed women)
Anna’s Friends Group desires to unite widowed women in a fellowship of love, laughter, friendship, and support. The group gathers monthly for a variety of social events. For more information, contact Wildwood Church at (405) 329-3939.
Dear Women of The Well… A Note from the Leadership Team
Many hours of planning are involved in developing and creating an atmosphere where we prayerfully hope weary moms can come and be refreshed physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. While all are welcome at The Well, we are limited on space. If you are signing up to attend The Well, we welcome you to the table, but we also ask that you recognize that one less seat is now available for others. The leadership team of The Well would like to ask all women of The Well to please commit, as far as it depends upon you, to attend all sessions, to arrive on time, and to participate in table discussions.
*this request is covered in grace, because we know that life happens!*
Proverbs 16:9 “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
Additionally, Wildwood has been very generous in providing a budget for The Well that includes free children’s care and biblical teaching/programming. We would like to ask that women of The Well take advantage of our children’s ministry if necessary to attend The Well. We also welcome mamas who need to bring their nursing babies into The Well sessions. However, we ask that if you do agree to sign up for our children’s ministry that you would use it respectfully in regards to both the sanctuary time inside The Well and the planning done by Emily and her team to make sure each child is cared for. If anything changes in the needs of your child(ren) we ask that you let us know promptly. We desire to be good stewards of the resources Wildwood has so generously provided to us and we thank you for joining us in this effort.
We are looking forward to another great season of The Well! We are eager to see God trade our broken cisterns for the living water of His Word and His people and for Him to move in powerful ways among us!
Who are we?
We are missionaries who serve in Mexico with Avant Ministries. Zac began attending Wildwood when he was in the 7th grade. Jennifer grew up attending Wildwood (her dad is Wildwood’s teaching pastor, Bruce Hess). We have been serving in Mexico since 2015.
We have two beautiful children, Summer and Max. We enjoy spending time with family and friends. We have a passion for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. We want people to know and believe in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
What are we doing?
We have two primary ministry roles in Mexico. We are part of the only Bible Church in our town. Zac serves on the leadership and preaching team. Our goal is to disciple and train up leaders in our church who will be able to run and lead the church on their own. We want to make disciples who in turn are able to make disciples. Our second role is our outreach ministry. We have a gym where Zac teaches self-defense, and Jennifer teaches Zumba and workout classes. We use this platform as a way to meet people, invite them to our church, and share with them the love of Jesus.
Who are we?
We’re Hayden and Nikki Moore, missionaries in Tokyo, Japan with Student Mobilization (StuMo)! We have two daughters, Kennedy and Austin, both born here in Tokyo, Japan. Hayden has lived here since he graduated from OU in 2017, and Nikki moved here in 2019. Nikki also attended OU, working with StuMo there after graduating before moving overseas for missions.
As a family, we love being outside together, exploring the city, and going to our favorite sushi restaurant. We are in Japan because we have a desire for all to know the one true God and his Son, Jesus Christ (John 17:3.)
What are we doing?
With StuMo Japan, we lead a team of 9 other missionaries, focusing on building relationships, evangelism, and discipleship with college students, young adults, and young families, while planting churches among these communities. Our dream is to see mature laborers and thriving church communities revolutionize all of Japan for Christ from the bustling megacities to the quiet countryside. Tokyo is home to more than 2 million college students, and is the largest city in the world, with less than 1% of the population following Jesus – a perfect place to bring the gospel to those who need to hear it in their heart language (so, yes, we have learned to speak Japanese!) We meet people on university campuses, parks, and other hot spots in the city. We enjoy hosting others & events in our home, building deep relationships with friends, sharing the gospel, and helping them establish their own relationship with God.
Who are we?
Chris is from Dallas and has been with Cru since 1996. OU was his first assignment (1996-2000), leading to the connection with Wildwood. From Norman, Chris moved to Spain, where he served for five years reaching out to college students. Wildwood began supporting Chris financially at that time.
He and Anna (from Indiana) met in 2005, got married in 2007, and currently live in Orlando. They have four young children: Samuel, Elinor, Philip, and Adelle.
What are we doing?
While in Spain, Chris developed the evangelistic tool called “Soularium” which has become the most-used tool for sparking spiritual conversations among Cru staff and students here in the U.S. and in countries around the world.
Chris and Anna now both split their time between working with students on campus and serving at a national level at Cru’s headquarters in Orlando. At the University of Central Florida, they minister through Destino, Cru’s outreach to Latino college students in the U.S.
In addition to working with students, Chris serves in the Office of Oneness and Diversity, focusing on helping Cru become a “home” where men and women of all backgrounds and ages thrive, which will result in both greater reflection of God Himself and greater effectiveness in sharing Christ with people of all kinds.
Anna serves on Destino’s national People and Culture (HR) team. She is the longest-serving staff member in Destino, having served since 2001.
Who are we?
We serve Jesus with The Navigators Military Ministry in Virginia. John is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and Shannon of the University of Texas. After marrying in 1994, Shannon left her job as a United flight attendant and became a full-time Navy wife. While on active duty at Tinker AFB (1995-1999), we became a part of the Wildwood family. In 2016-2017 we also spent a sabbatical living in OKC and attending Wildwood. We returned to Norman from 2020-2022 during COVID after serving a final time back on active duty in Guam from 2017-2020.
We have three married adult daughters and two grandchildren: Cana & Preston Radford who have Connor & Cora, Adalia & David Socha, and Moriah & Chris Cavitt.
What are we doing?
Together in partnership with local churches, military chaplains, and other mission organizations, we continue to focus on bringing Christ to military members and their families serving around the world. The vision remains to advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom within the military – and beyond that into the nations.
What is our mission’s story?
In 2001, the Fitzgeralds left Navy active duty and answered God’s call to work with The Navigators. They focused on reaching future military officers, helping them know Jesus, make Him known, and help others do the same. Their first assignment was at Texas A&M University (2002-2004) with the Aggie Corps of Cadets.
From 2004-2008, they worked among Aussie cadets and midshipmen at the Australian Defense Force Academy in Canberra. Then, from 2011-2016, John served as Regional Leader for The US Navigators Mid-Atlantic Collegiate (MAC) area, responsible for the care, development, and leadership of staff serving on over a dozen campuses in VA, MD, PA, NJ, DE, & DC.
Since John and Shannon have primarily focused on life-on-life evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training among members of the armed forces, he stayed in the Navy reserves. This enabled them to remain insiders to military family life and continue to serve the nation. Besides active duty in Guam from 2017-2020, John was deployed to Afghanistan in 2010-2011. He retired from the Navy Reserves in October 2020.
How do we recharge?
In our recreational time, you will find John exploring military history – especially WWII (including via SCUBA) – road cycling, and skiing. Shannon loves dance (especially Zumba), hiking in the woods, deepening friendships, and bringing beauty and organization to the home through serving as a certified consultant for Clutter Bug and Color Me Beautiful. We both love connecting with friends and traveling to explore new places together, mostly to enjoy God’s beauty and presence outdoors.
Who are we?
Phil and Marianne have been connected to Wildwood for over 25 years, with countless teams of youth and others coming from the church to minister with them during that time.
What are we doing?
Phil formed Mexico Missions in 1990 and moved there with his family in September 1990. In the beginning, they give considerable emphasis to film evangelism. They would travel from town to town, set up a screen, show evangelistic films, and give an invitation for people to trust Christ. Over the years hundreds of thousands came to know Christ in this way.
In recent years, the Chains have been known for their backpack programs. In the towns they visit, they have attracted large crowds as various health professionals (volunteers from both the US and Mexico) provide services to the needy, and children receive simple backpacks filled with toys and school supplies. At the same time, the setting provides multiple opportunities for Phil and Marianne, among others, to present the Good News of Jesus Christ.
For six years Phil and Marianne lived in a 28’ trailer with their four boys. At that time they purchased a property in Cancun, Mexico, and started building the mission base. The Yucatan peninsula and the southernmost states of Mexico are now among those with the highest percentage of evangelical Christians in the entire country.
While the Chains continue to travel throughout the country, they now work primarily out of Puebla in central Mexico. Otherwise, Norman is considered their home base.
After 6 years on staff with The Navigators’ military ministry in California, we moved to Norman, Oklahoma in 1991. There we shifted to international student ministry and worked on graduate degrees at OU. We heard great things about Wildwood’s youth group, and we started going there when our adopted daughter was in middle school.
I (David) was recalled to active duty after 911 and served in Japan and Iraq. When my tours were over, I commuted to Dallas Theological Seminary and completed a masters in biblical counseling in 2009. We moved to Colorado Springs to join The Navigators’ Pastoral Counseling Team.
Two months after our move, I was paralyzed in a bicycle accident. God has used my quadriplegia in powerful ways with my counseling, with Jill’s book for caregivers, We’re Stronger than We Look (published by NavPress), and in our life together.
Our team provides counseling to Navigator staff in the United States and around the world. We deal with everything from marital struggles to trauma and grief. We also train apprentices to give this kind of care.
Berea Seminary exist to exalt Christ through the training of pastors, elders, preachers, and teachers, in partnership with their local churches, to rightly divide and expose God´s Word (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 4:2; Ezra 7:10; Nehemiah 8:8). The goal of Berea is to train men to preach Christ (1 Corinthians 1:23-24), equip and edify their local churches (Ephesians 4:12) and train other men in their local contexts (2 Timothy 2:2). They are taught to trust uniquely and exclusively in the sufficiency of the Word and Christ, both for salvation and sanctification (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Colossians 1:28-2:10). Through bible conferences, seminars, publications, and seminary classes, Berea is equipping pastors and church leaders in Spain in partnership with their local churches in Spain.
David Robles serves as the teaching pastor of Iglesia Evangelica Leon and He is founding president and professor of BEREA Seminary (Spain). He has a wide teaching and preaching ministry throughout Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries. David is a graduate of Multnomah Biblical Seminary (Bible Certificate, 2001) and The Master´s Seminary (M.Div. 2004)
This class meets during our 9:45 & 11 am services on Sundays. All children enrolled in this program must complete paperwork prior to starting. Stop by the Children’s Welcome Desk to find out more, or contact us at 405-329-3939 for more information on our special needs ministry.
Join us for VBS 2024! VBS is open to all kids from 4 years old (must be 4 by June 4th) – entering 5th grade. Registration will open on March 1st!
To partner with us for the BEST WEEK OF SUMMER” and serve during VBS, click here!
Pen Pal Prison Ministry is a secure letter writing ministry which offers encouragement, guidance, and Christian friendship to incarcerated individuals through correspondence. Most of the inmates who are reaching out for a pen pal are already Christian, curious about Christianity, or just looking for a positive friendship. Your letters can make a difference in their lives for eternity.
For more information about this ministry and how you can get involved, please email
Lindsey oversees the daily financial transactions and communications for Wildwood.
To contact Lindsey, click here
Family: Aaron (husband) and 3 sons
On staff since: 2017
One thing you love about Wildwood: The people!
Favorite book besides the Bible: To Kill a Mockingbird or ANYTHING by Christine Caine
One thing you might not know about me: My grandmother and mother were both church secretaries.
Hobbies:Watching my boys play sports and game nights with friends and family
Laci assists in facilitating college programming with the College Ministry team at Wildwood.
Education: Student at OU
On staff since: August 2023
One thing you love about Wildwood:
Favorite book/movies:
Sasha oversees the early childhood large group and 8:30 service hour.
Family: Husband- Jake; Sons- August and Leo
Education: Bachelors of Science in Hospitality Management from the University of North Texas
On staff since: July 2023
One thing you love about Wildwood: The volunteers and staff have such a heart for ministering to and teaching others about God’s love.
Something you might not know about me: I love being creative
Hobbies: Adventuring outdoors with family, playing music, DIY projects
Janet provides organizational support to adult ministries.
Family: Matt spouse, adult children Connor and Grace
Education: BS in Elementary Education
On staff since: 2023
One thing you love about Wildwood: The community
Listening to: Bible Recap, praise and worship music
Hobbies: Jogging, healthy cooking ideas, reading, boating
Are you a primary or secondary caregiver of someone? This group provides educational resources and emotional support to those who are caring for a loved one. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at noon in Room 2 at Wildwood. All meetings are open to the community. Email or call the church office at (405) 329-3939 to confirm meeting dates and to receive more information.
Psalm 5:3: “In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.”
It is an honor to bring our burdens before the Lord. Members may post requests to the MyWildwood Prayer group or prayer requests can be submitted to our Pastors privately.
In order to reach our Care Pastor, please call the church office at 405-329-3939. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911.
Join Pastor Bruce Hess and many other experienced speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember!
Jobs, kids, activities, errands, and life have a way of overwhelming a marriage. Before you know it, other things are taking priority above what’s most important: your spouse and family. FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage getaway is your chance to make a change.
The Weekend to Remember getaway is not a large counseling session, and you will not be asked to participate in small groups. Rather, you will receive marriage-changing principles that you can take home and apply to your daily lives that will strengthen your marriage. During the weekend, through the teaching and couple’s projects, you will learn how to:
*Receive your spouse as a gift.
*Clarify your role as a husband or wife.
*Resolve conflict in the relationship.
*Express forgiveness to one another.
*Maintain a vital sexual connection.
*Increase your commitment, creating an even deeper level of intimacy
Our speakers will show you exactly how to pursue a marriage that really works through stories of their own breakthroughs and blunders. We want you to leave the weekend with encouragement, hope, and practical tools to build and grow your relationship. That’s why we call this a Weekend to Remember.
A discount code is available for members and friends of Wildwood. Please call the church office for more information- 405-329-3939.
Church historian John Hannah once quipped that all of us are short people “sitting on the shoulders of giants.” Hannah’s basic point was that followers of Jesus today live and operate as recipients of the faithfulness of God over time. In the largest sense of this, Christians today embrace the truth that was passed down from generation to generation since the time of Christ (2 Timothy 2:2). This principle is also true, however, in a local sense. God has been faithful to Wildwood Community Church over time, therefore, we want to give glory to God by retelling the story of His faithfulness to our church over the past 50 years.
Wildwood was officially incorporated as a church in 1968 after having begun as a Bible study with OU college students in 1966.
Over the last 50 years, Wildwood has met in multiple locations, including two different home garages, the parlor at McFarlin Methodist Church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church facility, the building currently owned by Northeast Baptist Church (a facility Wildwood built in 1976), and our current facility – the former Redlands Racquetball Club — which Wildwood purchased and moved into in 1986.
God has blessed us with amazingly consistent and faithful leadership over the past four decades. Following church planter Dick Gerbrandt, we have had only three full-time Senior Pastors: Lyle Cunningham (1974-78), Bruce A. Hess (1979-2016), and Mark Robinson (2016 – present).
On top of having consistent leadership, our strategic location allows us to impact the city of Norman, Tinker Air Force Base, the University of Oklahoma, and beyond (we have partnerships with ministries on 6 continents, including a focus on the nations of Latvia and Mexico.)
From our origin as a small Bible study that met in a garage to a growing church body today, we continue to value close community, in-depth Bible study, and an authentic relationship with God through our Savior Jesus Christ. It is our desire to glorify God by shining as Christ’s light in our homes, our community, and the world. Come shine with us!
Sherri provides support and assists our Senior Pastor, Mark Robinson.
To contact Sherri, click here
Family: Bryan (husband) and daughter, Taylor & son, Josh.
On Staff Since: June 2019
One thing you love about Wildwood: The culture of building one another up in Christ!
Hobbies: Reading and board games
Madeline works to build a Young Adult ministry at Wildwood with the support of the Adult ministry team.
Family: Husband: Colson, Son: Chandler, Dogs: Duke and Dakota
Education: Bachelor’s degree, major: organizational communication and minor in nonprofit management from OU
On staff since: June 2022
One thing you love about Wildwood: Being a part of a multigenerational body of believers and our commitment to preaching the truth of God’s word.
Favorite Book/movie: The Lucky One, The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness
American Sniper, She’s the Man, August Rush
Hobbies: Cycling, reading, baking, scrapbooking
We would love to have you join us in giving to what the Lord is doing through Wildwood in Norman and around the world. Click HERE to partner with us financially.
Our Children’s Baptism Class is a family class about what it means to follow through with baptism after a child has made the decision to follow Jesus. All children must attend with a parent. The Baptism class will take place on Sunday Mornings at 11 am. For more information about attending Baptism Class, please email the Children’s Pastor, Brooke Harrison.
This class walks 4th & 5th graders through teachings on communion (what it is and why is it important); how to follow Jesus together to the glory of God and how to share our testimony with others. Children will receive a resource that helps them develop the daily habits of following Jesus. 5th graders will receive a new ESV Bible before promoting to Student Ministry.
For more information about the Following Jesus Class, please email our Children’s Pastor, Brooke Harrison.
We would love to talk to you if you believe Special Needs Ministry might be helpful for your family. We will work with you to find the best solutions for your child’s unique needs. Email Emily here or call the office at (405)329-3939. On Sunday mornings, simply stop by the Welcome Desk in the Children’s Building.
Our Special Needs Class meets in the One to One room, downstairs in the Children’s Building. This classroom is equipped with gel lap pads (these help engage the kids while we teach), a trampoline, a crash pad, a fidget box, and a visual schedule along with other visual supports.
In addition to the specialized equipment, the volunteers working in this classroom have been trained on how to serve our children with special needs.
Our staff works closely with the families in developing activities and lesson preparation that best fits each child’s individual needs.
Our Special Needs Director will work with your family to determine the most effective way to help your child worship God. Some children work well with a Buddy in a typical classroom. Other children feel more comfortable in our Special Needs classroom, called One to One.
Wildwood is FOR children worshiping Jesus together to the glory of God.
We believe that God loves and cares for all children, and we will do everything we can to support this mission of supporting and equipping ALL children in worshiping Jesus together to the glory of God.
The purpose of Wildwood’s special needs ministry is to facilitate inclusion inside the life of the church for the individual with additional needs and for their family.
In support of our broader church mission, the goals of the special needs ministry are to lead families affected by unique needs into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
The Awana Grand Prix is one of our favorite events and takes place in March. This is a great chance for kids to be creative and enjoy healthy competition in a fun and exciting environment.
The name, Truth & Training, reflects the passion of Awana to teach 3rd through 5th-grade boys and girls the truth of God’s Word and to train them to follow Christ in their daily lives. Today’s young people will become tomorrow’s church leaders. T&T is the program that teaches the leaders of tomorrow — today, using exciting features to get kids pumped about God’s Word.
T&T is equipped with a variety of dynamic tools to accomplish this mission:
▪ Handbooks of increasing difficulty which teach children that life’s ultimate adventure is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
▪ Weekly meetings that expose children to the gospel message, Scripture memory, Bible study, awards, team-oriented games, and loads of fun
▪ A Bible-centered curriculum that helps kids build a firm foundation for their faith, hide God’s Word in their heart, and apply the truths of Scripture to their daily lives
Sparks, the Awana club for children in kindergarten through second grade builds on the material taught in our preschool clubs. The curriculum takes kids a step deeper into God’s Word while giving them regular opportunities to hear the gospel and trust in Jesus Christ. After being immersed in solid foundational teaching at the preschool level, boys and girls frequently understand their need to trust Christ as their personal Savior while in Sparks.
The Sparks program is firmly grounded in Scripture. The three handbooks feature:
▪ Basic truths about God, Jesus Christ, salvation, and the Bible
▪ A clear and consistent presentation of the Gospel message
▪ An increased emphasis on Scripture memory over our preschool materials. In three years, a child will learn and review over 65 verses, many of which cover salvation and key Christian doctrine, establishing a foundation of biblical wisdom.
Sparks club meetings combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of irresistible excitement for churched and unchurched kids alike. Club meetings are divided into three segments:
▪ Bible teaching, worship, award presentations, and the Gospel message
▪ Small group interaction and completion of Bible-based lessons
▪ Age-appropriate games
Cubbies is the AWANA Club for preschoolers during the two years prior to regular kindergarten, usually three and four-year-olds.
The Awana Club for preschoolers is built on two premises:
1. Young children can and should receive spiritual training.
2. Home is the primary place for spiritual training.
Our preschool program meets these needs through …
Fun – and lots of it! Awana is fun with a purpose – to reach and train kids for Jesus Christ. Games, puppets, crafts, awards, and other activities transform our preschool program into a lively weekly experience where fun and learning go hand in hand.
During the 9:45 and 11:00 am services:
Birth through PreK children will meet in the downstairs area of the Children’s Building.
Kindergarten through fifth-grade children will meet in the upstairs area of the Children’s Building.
During the 8:30 am service:
Children will join their parents for worship in the Worship Center.
Throughout all of our programs, we are intentional with making the most of every opportunity that we have with a child. We are fortunate to staff all of our environments with the highest quality of volunteers who have been properly screened and trained. We follow systematic check-in and dismissal procedures throughout the use of computerized check-in stations. If we need to contact a parent during a worship service, we have the ability to page them.
Wildwood is a big place and we want you to feel at home as soon as possible. The Children’s Ministry building is located at the back of the church. There is a large circle drive in the back for convenient pick-up or drop-off, but there is also access to the Children’s Building through the Gathering Hall or through the rear entrance.
If you have an infant or toddler, please bring all the necessary items (bottle, pacifier, special blanket, diapers, etc.) and clearly label each item. You will soon find that our volunteers will do everything they can to make sure your child is well taken care of!
When you arrive you will be asked to fill out a Family Registration Card, and our Welcome Team will assist you in registering your children (5th grade and younger) into our computer check-in system. The computer system will provide you name tags as well as a pick-up receipt with a number to be used for paging and pick up.
Our goal is to provide kids with a weekly experience that is fun, relationally driven, and packed with Biblical truths. It is an interactive time of teaching Biblical truths, worshiping together & hands-on activities. Our teachers are committed to making the most of the time that we have with this age group. We believe that we have a unique opportunity to reach these kids with the gospel of Jesus Christ during the elementary years.
In our early childhood classrooms, we provide a secure, clean & loving environment where the youngest children will have a fun time learning about God’s love. Biblical truths are taught through Bible stories, songs, finger-plays, crafts, organized games & even through play! We believe that children learn best through repetition along with engaging all learning styles. Our desire is to help parents build a foundation of faith in their kids.
Legacy (adults 55+)
Legacy is Wildwood’s 55+ connection ministry. Its focus is to encourage Legacy adults in connecting people to Christ through worship, community, and mission. The group also gathers at noon on the 2nd Wednesday of each month for a luncheon. Those 55+ are invited to reconnect with friends and enjoy a meal. The lunch costs $5 per person to help cover food costs, and reservations are required. Sign up at the church welcome desk or by clicking this link: Legacy Luncheon SignUp
Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine-week class on money. Dave Ramsey (via video) and his teaching team will walk through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more! Details and registration for the next FPU session hosted at Wildwood will be posted here when available.
Reaching out to residents of a large city in the Middle East.
Serving with VISA (Visiting International Students Assistance) at OU.
Residing in Norman with ongoing ministry in Brazil with Commission to Every Nation (CTEN). There they seek to mobilize Brazilian Christians and local churches to embrace missions, and train leaders in partnership with Dallas Theological Seminary.
Living in Orlando, FL, and serving with the Jesus Film division of Cru. Jeff helps equip hundreds of staff and others with the latest resources as they share the Gospel with others worldwide.
Serving with Pioneers in Eastern Europe and reaching out to non-Christians with the Good News.
Founder and director of Latvian Christian Radio (LKR).
Serving as a team leader with Pioneers in Eastern Europe.
Serving in France with Greenhouse in Paris with a focus on the evangelism of French in a culturally relevant manner.
Leading an effort to start campus ministries in East Asia with Cru.
Evangelizing and discipling young people in Japan.
Serving with Ethnos360 in Papua New Guinea among the Pei tribe. While the entire family shines as the light of Jesus in pointing people to the Gospel, Chris is also engaged in translating the Scriptures into the native language.
Serving in the Middle East with a non-profit while engaging in Bible translation and outreach.
Coordinating Bible translation for minority peoples in Asia.
Serving in West Asia as the business administrator for an exportation company and seeking to evangelize their neighbors and friends.
Evangelizing and discipling university students in West Asia with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ).
Ciera assists and supports the High School and Middle School ministries at Wildwood.
To contact Ciera, click here
Family: Dylan (Husband)
Education: Associates in Public Relations
On staff since: August 2016
One thing you love about Wildwood: The people.
Listening to: Needtobreathe
Favorite book: Anything by Jen Wilkin
Favorite movie: You’ve Got Mail
One thing you might not know about Ciera: I have been at Wildwood since I was born and met my husband in middle school ministry at Wildwood, this place is our home/family!
Tyler assists the Facilities Director in maintaining and improving our building.
On staff since: September 2022
One thing you love about Wildwood:
Something you might not know about me:
Naomi facilitates the church’s outreach in our community.
To contact Naomi, click here
Family: Married to Matthew and together they have three children: Abby, Jacob, and Robby
Education: BA in Public Relations with a minor in Business Administration from Baylor University, MS in Journalism from Texas A&M University
On staff since: June 2017
One thing you love about Wildwood: I love that Wildwood is Gospel-centered and that our heart as a church is to follow Jesus together for the glory of God.
Listening to: Shane & Shane, The Bible Recap podcast
Favorite movie: The Sandlot
Hobbies: Running, reading, and traveling
Favorite book besides the Bible: The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah & The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom
You might not know about me: I love summer camp! Matthew and I met as counselors at Sky Ranch in Van, TX the summer after our sophomore year in college.
Merge Small Groups are environments of 6-16 young adults in their twenties or thirties gathering regularly for the purpose of spiritual growth within community. Groups fellowship, pray, study God’s word, and basically “live life” together in Christ.
The day, time, and frequency groups meet vary. Our groups meet on different nights during the week. They either meet twice a month or once weekly at a time and location convenient to group members.
If you’re interested in joining one of our existing Merge small groups or starting a new Merge small group, fill out our small group form.
MERGE: Wildwood’s Young Adult Ministry
Wildwood is FOR young adults following Jesus together to the glory of God. Adults in their twenties and thirties come from varying life phases. Merge exists to create a place for young adults to merge together, for connection, worship, service, and biblical study within the multigenerational church. Click HERE to learn more.
If this is your first time joining us for worship, click HERE to fill out our Howdy form.
Let us know how we can be praying for you this week. It is an honor to bring our burdens before the Lord. Prayer requests & Praises can be submitted to our Pastors privately by clicking HERE
RightNow Media
RightNow Media is a streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos for both adults and children. As a leader or member of a Wildwood Church group, you may request access to our church’s RightNow Media account by emailing with your name, email address, and the name of your Wildwood group.
For more information about RightNow Media, visit
We are so blessed to be apart of a multi-generational church! Godly adults consistently lead discipleship groups of 1-3 students, actively helping students use their life to glorify God. These groups create meaningful, authentic, Christ-centered relationships that provide accountability, confession, and guidance. Mentors set an example for what spiritual multiplication and gospel-centered discipleship looks like, modeling how to pour into the next generation and younger students.
Do I have to be an OU student to participate in a group?
No. Our vision is for every college student at Wildwood to be a part of a small group bible study. While our groups do meet on-campus at OU, they are open to all students. We would love to get you plugged in to one of our groups no matter where you attend classes.
What are some other ways to get connected to Wildwood Church?
Beyond Sundays at Wildwood and College Ministry events, there are so many ways to jump into community at Wildwood! College students are encouraged to serve in any area of the church, join our teams that volunteer in the community, and participate in any adult opportunities. (
What does a typical Sunday look like?
We have a time specifically for college students to gather together at 9:45 am in Room 5, downstairs. Every week we eat breakfast, drink coffee, listen to Bible teaching, and discuss around round tables. We encourage students to worship with our church family at our Main Service at 11 am after College Life.
What does a typical Bible Study look like?
Weekly Bible Studies meet in students’ homes, led by a young adult, studying a book of the Bible alongside 5-12 students. We do not merely discuss the Scriptures but learn how to read our Bibles, understand its meaning, and actively apply it to our lives. Teaching and discussion last 1.5ish hours, with host homes encouraging students to come early and stay late to participate in closer community, games, and getting to know each other deeper!
We invite all college-aged adults (17-25) to Room 5 for community, teaching, and discussion. Every week at 9:45am we sit around round tables to eat breakfast, drink coffee, listen to Bible teaching, and discuss. We encourage students to worship with our church family at our Main Service at 11am after College Life.
Family: Husband, Doug and children
On staff since: 2022
Chanae cultivates environments where College Students can be discipled, equipped, and sent to live on mission on their campus, in their community, and across the world.
Family: Husband, Chris
Education: OU Grad
On staff since: May 2021
Listening to: Vance Joy, Maverick City Worship, The Porch, Bible Project
One thing she loves about Wildwood: I immediately felt the sense of family when I started getting plugged in. I have been amazed by the passionate people here doing life for Jesus, understanding God’s word, and praising Him together! I also love our emphasis on “For the Nations” and God’s heart for all people!
Something you might not know about me: Sand volleyball, hiking, walks & coffee, and seeing new places
Many churches and foster/adopt ministries want to do more, but simply lack the connection to vulnerable and isolated families in their community. CarePortal is a ministry that seeks to connect churches with the needs of families right in our own community. These needs, as identified by a social service worker, are passed onto the church through a database housed at
John cares for the members of Wildwood through counseling and referrals, hospital visitation and follows up with those in need.
To contact John, click here
Family: Lori (wife) and children Chris, Elizabeth, and Anna
Education: BA Communication University of Oklahoma, Master’s of Theology and a Doctorate of Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary
On staff since: 2001
One Thing I love about Wildwood: Our church family is eager to grow in their relationship with Christ and one another and to serve, love and encourage those around them.
Listening to: KLove and Air1, mixed in with music from movies, a bit of country and whatever my teenage kids want me to sample 🙂
You might not know ______ about John: He proposed to Lori in the old Worship Center downstairs at Wildwood.
Hobbies: Being with Lori and the kids, coaching soccer, teaching and fishing
Braden assists the Facilities Director in maintaining and improving our building.
Education: Studying to be an Architectural Engineer
On staff since: June 2019
One thing you love about Wildwood: I love the consistency of their biblical views and solid leadership. Wildwood is centered on biblical truth and doesn’t get divisive on opinionated subject matter.
Listening to: Tears for Fears, Stevie Ray Vaughn, ZZ Top, U2, Toto, Queen
Hobbies: Board games with friends, reading, and drumming
Melanie manages administrative tasks and communications for Children’s Ministry, as well as oversees the Welcome Team and the Impact 5 program.
To contact Melanie, click here.
Family: (husband) and three daughters:
On staff since: March 2021
Favorite books:
Something you might not know about Melanie:
StuMo (Student Mobilization) is a ministry focused on building spiritual leaders for Christ from college campuses all over the world. Their passion is to help young men and women embrace their faith and grow as spiritual leaders for future generations and to equip them to live for Christ wherever they may go.
For more information about StuMo and how you can get involved, please visit or email
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) is a Christian parachurch organization that was originally geared towards college students. Their mission is to win, build, and send believers who will multiply their faith in others. Since its founding, Cru has expanded its focus to include adults and even high school students.
For more information about CRU and how you can get involved, please visit or email
Creation Care is a group at Wildwood dedicated to being good stewards of God’s creation. We created the group at Wildwood to increase awareness of environmental sustainability at the church through recommendations and actions regarding recycling, energy efficiency, education, and more.
If you are interested in assisting with these efforts, please email
YoungLife is a ministry that strives to provide life-changing experiences while preparing kids for a life-long relationship with Christ and a love for His word, His mission, and the local church. YoungLife introduces adolescents to Jesus Christ by helping them grow in their faith by meeting in groups at high schools, college campuses, and summer camps.
For more information about YoungLife and how you can get involved, please visit or email
The purpose of Search Ministries is to provide a safe place to ask life’s big questions. By developing authentic relationships built around these questions, they offer honest answers and initiate meaningful conversations. Their mission is simple: inviting adults to take the next step toward God and our vision is big: every adult in every city invited to know and share Jesus.
For more information about this ministry and how you can get involved, please visit or email
Moore Faith Medical Clinic provides faith-based free medical care and prescriptions to the uninsured and underserved in our area. The organization focuses on loving and serving the community while recognizing the God-given dignity of each human life. Are you a medical provider who could volunteer your talents? Would you enjoy greeting patients or assisting with clerical tasks? How about providing a meal for the medical professionals who often come to the Clinic directly from their regular jobs?
For more information about this ministry and how you can get involved, please visit or email
Wildwood is proud to support Grace Home, a ministry home that provides a place for young mothers who find themselves alone and pregnant with few options to continue their pregnancies. The goal of this ministry is to provide a safe haven to expectant mothers with prenatal care, good nutrition, and exercise.
For more information about Grace Home and how you can get involved, please visit or email
As the Student Pastor, Abe serves the community of Wildwood through overseeing our Student ministry to 6th – 12th graders.
To contact Abe, click here
Family: Korie (wife) and daughter Eleanor
Education: Bachelors in Human Services from Washburn University & Mdiv from Midwestern Theological Seminary
On staff since: November 2018
Favorite Book besides the Bible: Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
Hobbies: Playing basketball, board games, building things!
Click Here to learn more about Student Ministry (6-12 grade)
Kevin serves the community of Wildwood through overseeing our College Students.
To contact Kevin, click here
Family: Wife, Carley
On staff since: April 2019
Education: MTS at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary & BA in Communication at the University of Oklahoma
Favorite Movie: Star Wars, La La Land, Dead Poets Society
Hobbies: Reading, spending time with my wife and friends, watching OKC Thunder or OU, playing board games or video games
Click Here to learn more about College Ministry at Wildwood.
Brooke directs the Children’s Ministry Team.
To contact Brooke, click here.
Family: JT (husband) and kids, Mabry, Harper, Hazel, & Henry
Education: Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Oklahoma
On staff since: 2011
Hobbies: Spending time with JT & my 4 kids; traveling and shopping.
Something you might not know about Brooke: My first “job” was running “Brooke’s Playschool” out of my parent’s garage when I was in 4th & 5th grade.
Click here to learn more about Wildwood’s Children’s Ministry
To contact Pastor Mark, click here
Family: Kimberly (wife), and son, Joshua
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from University of Oklahoma, Doctor of Ministry and Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary,
On staff since: January 2001
One thing you love about Wildwood: I love the people at Wildwood.
Listening to: Shane & Shane, Keith & Kristyn Getty
Favorite movie: Les Miserables
Hobbies: Following OU athletics and the NBA
Jolie oversees children in nursery, toddler, and preschool ministries on Sunday mornings.
To contact Jolie, click here
Family: Husband – Greg; Sons – Isaac and Hudson
Education: Bachelor of Science in Nursing from East Texas Baptist University
On staff since: September 2017
Hobbies: Running my kids to their activities, running, and reading.
Favorite movie: Little Women
You might not know about me: I love pens and paper calendars. My favorite day is when I get to put all of the dates for a new year into my new calendar.
Herschel helps Wildwood pursue excellence in being faithful stewards of all that God has blessed us with. This includes HR, finances, facility, communication, and the church office team.
To contact Herschel, click here
Family: Alison & 4 kids (boy in college & 3 ballerinas)
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, with a minor in Communication, from the University of Oklahoma.
On staff since: October 2016
One thing you love about Wildwood: I love the long term faithfulness of staff and volunteers pursuing God together like the Bereans.
Listening to: This is Wildwood, Freakonomics, Coldplay channel on pandora
Favorite movie: Braveheart & Elf
Hobbies: Uber for my kids, hiking, cycling, and swimming
Lessye oversees the elementary programs on Sunday mornings.
To contact Lessye, click here
Family: Michael (husband), Zoey, Addison, and Delaney (daughters)
Education: Bachelor of Science from the University of Oklahoma in Health & Exercise Science
On staff since: November 2015
Hobbies: Family time, exploring nature, staying active, listening to podcasts, drinking coffee
Favorite Movie: Home Alone
One thing you might not know about Lessye: I’m very competitive and love a good board game.
Melanie oversees Awana programming and Thursday morning childcare.
To contact Melanie, click here.
Family: Zac (husband) and daughter Parker and son Hayes
Education: BBA in Management Information Systems from University of Oklahoma
On Staff Since: 2013
Hobbies: Reading, running, home projects, going to the lake, spending time with my family and friends
Favorite Book: Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Something you might not know about Melanie: She has run 5 marathons and 10 half-marathons!
Emily serves and leads our special needs ministry for children.
To contact Emily, click here.
Family: Perry (husband), Cooper and Asher (sons)
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Family Development from Oklahoma Baptist University
On Staff Since: May 2019
Hobbies: Playing w/my boys, tennis, watching sports
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Something you may not know about Emily: She loves to dance and make people laugh!
Jen assists & supports Adult Ministry at Wildwood.
To contact Jen, click here
Family: My husband Chad and I have been married 13 years and have been blessed with 2 boys, Keaton & Nolan
Education: BS in Elementary Education from the University of Oklahoma
On staff since: 2017
One thing you love about Wildwood: The community and support Wildwood has brought to our family!
Listening to: Lauren Daigle and Hillsong
Favorite movie: You’ve Got Mail
Hobbies: I love taking walks, hiking, traveling and watching my boys in the activities/sports they are involved with.
Favorite book besides the Bible: A recent favorite is Seamless by Angie Smith
You might not know about me: I taught dance classes for over 18 years and you can still find me in the studio every now and then.
Greg plans and oversees the worship ministry at Wildwood.
To contact Greg, click here
Family: Carolyn (wife) with three kids and grandkids.
Education: OU graduate
On staff since: 2003
One thing you love about Wildwood: People’s heart for serving others and the Lord.
Listening to: Classic rock, acoustic, jazz, choral, pop, soundtracks…
Favorite book beside the Bible: Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Hobbies: Astronomy
Brian serves Wildwood by overseeing our assimilation ministries and adult ministry groups.
To contact Brian, click here
Family: Pam (wife) and three kids: Logan, Reagan, and Alex
Education: BA in Commercial Art from Southwest Baptist University and MA in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary
On staff since: 2009
Hobbies: Hunting & fishing
Favorite Movie: Sandlot
Listening to: St. Louis Cardinal baseball game
Favorite book besides the Bible: My Utmost For His Highest, Oswald Chambers
Garry maintains and upgrades Wildwood’s facility.
To contact Garry, click here
Family: Wife, Linda and grown sons Brad (& Chelsie) and Mark. His grandchildren: Aubrey, Bradley and Emery.
On staff since: 2013
One thing you love about Wildwood: The community of the Pastoral and Support Staff
Listening to: Christian talk radio
Hobbies: Hunting and fishing, any outdoor activities
You might not know about me: I retired from GM after 24 years.